Pattern Modification

#3804E Serene Lace St. Butterfly Jacket:

Correction have been made to the body of the pattern after the Lace St. has been worked up to the armhole shaping.

Work 27sts Lace St., 56(57,58,54)sts Stock St., Join new yarn and Bind off next 11(12,13, 14)sts for first armhole. Work 769(75,81,87)sts. Join new yarn and Bind off next 11(12,13,14)sts for second armhole and finish row in patterns. Continue in patterns as set, with separate skeins of yarn, decreasing 1 stitch each armhole edge (4edges each decrease row) every RS row 5(6,6,7)x. Continue until the armhole is 7(7 ½,8,8 ½)” ending ready for a WS row. Work next row, casting on 21(24,25,28)sts over each armhole opening and join all stitches into one piece again. On next RS row, change all stitches to Lace St. and continue in Lace St. for 2 ½ repeats. Change all stitches to Rib St. for 5 rows and Bind off in pattern on the next row